Mark Willhans

Formgivare i Dalarna specialiserad på internetrelaterade produkter och illustrationer.
Illustrationerna är applicerbara på nätet, i storbildsreklam, i broschyrer och på t-shirts m.m. Arbetet sker genom Kosmopolit Design i Tällberg.
Vi gör: Webdesign, Kampanjwebsidor, Demofilmer för mässor, Banners, Rörlig illustration, Förpackningsdesign, Storbildsillustration m.m.

* Oct 27: In Kivik, So.Sweden
* Aug 21: In Oslo, Norway
* July 26: Demoing the art of Pinstriping at Avesta, Swe
* July: Illustr. publ. in Klassiker Magazine(SWE). Page 87.
* July 9-10 In southern Sweden. Again.
* May 4-6 In the lower parts of Sweden.
* April 3rd: Working out of Oslo, Norway.
* March 14th: Work in Warsaw, Poland.

in english please!

winter -08

generally -07

+46 247 71177

annika isaksson pirtti
harry potter
knuttes el
the furniture dealer
gallerian vetlanda
bowling vetlanda
ekenas bud

I'm helping in on a project going on in Sweden concerning the rescuing of a prototype. It's a mobile home, based on Saab parts, and made in the sixties.
It's really a treat to see the thing be brought back to life and inspired as I was, I made this illustration hoping to inspire others. Check it out at

Currently, a lot of work is being made for Dahlia Spring Water.
This example is the extremely detailed (12.400 point) original that
was drawn manually (!) from a photograph.

I had the good fortune to be contacted yet again by NJFF of Norway.
That's the Norwegian national hunters assoc.
This is the 2007 christmas card drawing.
Also in the picture is the one we made 2006.

Add to this a new site for our good friend Annika Isaksson Pirtti
in Ljungsarp, Sweden. This baby of a site has a
CMS-backbone and Annika herself can update even the
background picture. Remains to see if she'll get the time to do it.

Here's a link for emailing me

older updates

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På ren svenska:
Mark Willhans jobbar via Kosmopolit Design i Tällberg.
Han specialicerar inom internetmediet, främst såsom formgivare och flashanimatör, men även som Illustratör. Han har varit verksam i Borlänge, Falun samt under strax över en fyraårsperiod även i Oslo.
Bägge bröderna har ett gediget intresse för klassiska fordon. De anlitas med framgång av klienter med behov av illustrationer inom trafik, färdsätt och transport samt fordonsnostalgi.

Designer based in Sweden, specializing in webdesign and illustrations.

The author of the site has been involved in the following companies: ArtIT, Nest Internetworks / Nesthood, Grape / Clockwork / Mogul Norway, Millimeter Design, Norway.

Now back in Sweden and based in the Dalecarlia region, Mark works mostly through Kosmopolit Design. A large piece of the assignments are carried out for Norwegian customers.
We're featuring high class illustrations, tailormade websites -both advanced flash animated, database-driven in .NET and strict basic html. The style is northern light in the fashionable scandinavian design style. What else, in the heart of Sweden.

Selection of clients:
Ski Resorts, Furniture producers, Furniture Distributors, News Distributors, Energy distributors, Live coverage of a pool championship!, Investors, Banks, Telecom, Book Publishers, Oil Companies, Knowledge related biz., Arts & Crafts, Classic Vehicle Restorer, an Amusement Park and various others.

:: Illustrations ::
:: pinstriping ::
Links: (Download:QTVR