Mark Willhans   Målningar / Paintings

uppdaterad 18 Juli 2007

::: Akrylmålning i arkitektonisk stil. :::
Målad till ära av drottningen av alla förgasare. Stromberg 175 CD. En dylik kan få en tvärslut B-18 att frakta runt en Amazon för den ringa kostnaden av 0.75 l/mil. Och folk tror att veteranbilar drar mycket bensin, Hrrumpfh!
Detta är vetenskaplig fakta direkt hämtad från en norgesemester i en Volvo 121 köpt av en präst för 500:-

::: Butch'r :::
© Mark Willhans 2005
Butch'r is one of the top pinstripers in the U.S. From what I've heard he's been taught up by non other that vonDutch himself.
This painting is hanging in his home, to my extended pride.
The painting shows one of his earlier car projects in the background, and the one he's building right now in the foreground. The top ornament was handmade in wood in the factory. Acrylic. Brush and airbrush.

::: Blyertsteckning: Såld och bortkommen på nittiotalet. :::

::: Radio :::
© Mark Willhans

::: Michael's Ratcar 2006 :::
© Mark Willhans 2006
Commissioned work. I placed this ratcar in a classy environment to provoke the viewer. Like a locomotive bursting into the calmness of the height of civilization.

Ratcars can be explained as the automotive metaphor of the punk movement.
Whether the followers know it or not, it's art they're making. Watch the communication, the very strong imagery. It travels alongside graffitti.
And no. We don't have to like it. That's not on their agenda.
Acrylic. Brush and airbrush.

::: Dodge 1939 :::
© Mark Willhans 1993
Ägare: Catarina Arvidsson, Nyköping

::: Dodge 1939 :::
© Mark Willhans 1993
Ägare: Catarina Arvidsson, Nyköping

::: Skoluppgift: kosmos :::
© Mark Willhans
I privat ägo.

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Om just den här sidan:
Akrylmålningar på tapet. Akrylmålningar på kanvas. Akvarellmålningar och blyertsteckningar. Inga serietryck. Bara orginal.

About this page:
Acrylic paintings on wallpaper. Acrylic paintings on canvas. Aquarelle and graphite drawings. No series, originals only.

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::: startsidan :::
© Mark Willhans 2006
::: startsidan :::